
Thursday, October 14, 2021

Precious Names for Chihuahua Puppies

Above Photo Courtesy of Las Vegas Tiny Chihuahua

So you decided to get a Chihuahua puppy. Now you have to choose a name. The best names are chosen to reflect the dog's personality and of course for you to be able to remember when you call for him. 

What are some of the personality traits of a Chihuahua? Well, in general the Chihuahua breed is loyal and loving toward their owners. They are usually full of tenacious spirit, one of those big dog minds in a small dog body kind of dog. They fit into small spaces making them perfect for apartments. If you bring home a Chihuahua puppy get ready for lots of love, lap sitting and snuggling and oh I almost forgot, "big laughs." Chihuahuas can be extremely comical. 

Getting back to the name. Naming your new Chihuahua puppy is when the real fun begins. Here is a short list of names you might consider for your little friend in body, but big friend in spirit and mind along with what they might mean to you and your new puppy.

If you decide on "Alpha," which can be for a boy or girl it might be because you sense your little Chihuahua possesses great power. This is a name having Greek origin translated into English meaning "beginning."

I think "Charlotte" is a cute name for a female Chihuahua puppy. It means petite in French. If you feel like your new puppy is quite fancy and one that will rule the family with fancy costumes and cuteness, Charlotte may fit the bill for the you.

Faye is another good name for a female Chihuahua. It is of French origin and means loyalty, confidence and trust, which pretty much describes the basic personality of a Chihuahua. Spell this name just a little different like as "Fay, Fae or Fey" and the meaning can refer to a fairy-like mythical creature which also describes the look of a Chihuahua.

Let us look at some boy names. Griffin means "strong lord" and is of Welsh origin. Think of a mythical creature that is half eagle and half lion who will guard his valuable possessions and treasures such as YOU for one when you name your puppy Griffin.

The name Mar-teeny can be for boy or girl. Think of a playful pet with just the right amount of humor.

I like the name Ruby for a Chihuahua puppy simply because when you think of "Ruby," it makes you think of something precious and of great treasure. A red chi would be nice to carry the name of Ruby.

Whatever name you decide upon make it fun and something that reminds you of your puppy's personality or place in your life.

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