
Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Chow Dog Breeed With the Mane of a Lion and a Personality Like a Cat

Chows are compact and powerful standing between 17 and 20 inches at the shoulder. They have several unique features:

  • a lion's mane ruff around the head and shoulders
  • a blue-black tongue
  • deep-set almond eyes which give them a snobbish expression
  • stilted (stiff-legged) way of moving
Chows can have a rough or smooth coat in red, black, blue cinnamon or cream.


Their personalities are serious-minded, dignified, bright and aloof. They are not very active dogs. A couple of good walks a day should be enough exercise. They are better with older children. It is not recommended you house them with other dogs. Shedding is seasonal. The Chow needs grooming about once per week. They can top out in weight at 45 to 70 pounds, and stand about 17 to 20 inches. Their life expectancy is 8 to 12 years. You can expect the Chow to bark very little.

The Chow as a breed is more than 2,000 years old and may even date back much farther. The breed probably originates from the northern parts of Siberia.

You will find them to be a bit stubborn and less eager to please than other breeds of dogs. They have a cat-like personality making them very independent. A Chow requires early socialization and training and probably requires an equally strong willed, stubborn owner. They have a mind of their own and will become your master if you allow it. As puppies they are naturally well behaved deceiving owners into thinking they don't need formal training. This is a mistake. When an untrained Chow reaches adolescence he may refuse to accept authority. Start training in early puppyhood. Puppy kindergarten is highly recommended.

Martha Stewart owns a number of Chows and features them often on her morning show.

Today, the Chow has become a fashionable pet and guard dog. Evidence proves the Chow was useful as a sporting dog in ancient China. (source: AKC)

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