
Monday, January 7, 2019

Ways to Prevent Canine Periodontal Disease and Promote Good Dental Health Daily

Part of your daily routine to keep your dogs healthy is oral hygiene. Oral hygiene left unattended can result in periodontal disease by age 3 or earlier. Dogs do not just simply have bad breath. Bad breath is one of the signs of more serious disease such as periodontal disease.

Untreated dental disease can lead to:

  • tooth loss
  • painful abscesses
  • systemic infections throughout your dog's entire life such as permanent jaw damage and heart disease
Brushing your dog's teeth is  not a "silly" thing to do. It is an excellent way to prevent plaque buildup which leads to periodontal disease. Of course your dog is not going to be fond of having a foreign object like a toothbrush pushed around in its mouth. They get used to it with practice. You can train your dog easily to accept tooth brushing just the same as you train he or she to have nails trimmed. In reality, brushing your dog's teeth may be more important than trimming the nails!

Never use human toothpaste. Get toothpaste especially made for dogs. Human toothpaste contains ingredients that can be toxic to your dogs. See what your dog prefers in tooth brushing tools. There are regular canine toothbrushes and brushes that fits over your fingertip. Tooth wipes are also available.

Since dogs love treats, dental treats are a great way to improve your dog's dental health on a daily basis. Feed Life's Abundance Gourmet Dental Treats. These treats are flavored with honey and peanut butter plus fortified with calcium and vitamin C. Life's Abundance added parsley to freshen your dog's breath. 

Treats such as the Gourmet Dental Treats are in general much more accepted and/or appreciated by dogs than a toothbrush or tooth wipes, however, don't abandon your first course of action which should be tooth brushing with a toothpaste especially for dogs. Feed one Gourmet Dental Treat per day. Your dog will love these treats, and you will love how they help keep your dog's teeth clean and breath fresh.

 Gourmet Dental Treats

Dog chews are another course of important action you can take against canine periodontal disease. All dogs like to chew. The simple act of chewing benefits your dog's oral health. It could very well be nature's way of cleaning dog's teeth. 

When you choose dog chews, be sure to get as much bang for your bucks as you can. Choose chew treats that serves several purposes. Life's Abundance Buffalo Bully Sticks is one of those excellent choices that gives you more bang for your bucks. As your dog chews on the Bully Sticks:

• Help reduce tartar and maintain canine dental health
• An alternative to beef bully sticks
• Contain no additives or preservatives
• Provide a rewarding chewing experience
 Bully Sticks

Our premium dog chews may be the perfect treat! Try a pack today and you’ll notice a happier dog with a brighter smile!

One of the best ways to ensure your dog's oral  health is at its best is to go for regular professional cleanings. 

Do you raise puppies for sale? Are you a pet groomer, a pet sitter, a pet walker, a pet nanny, a vet, or vet tech? Dog professionals have a lot of contact with pet owners, which translates into possible Life's Abundance sales and/or reps. Prepare gifts or take home kits for your clients using the Life's Abundance samples and slip in a business card with your contact information sending them to your replicator site for future purchases.

Groomers can use the products and sell them in their groom shop storefront. Create gift baskets at holiday time offering your customers sample products of the products you are using while grooming their dogs.

Vets are in a wonderful position to grow a large network marketing business using Life's Abundance. Vets can stock products in their front waiting room and recommend products to their clients while in consultation.

Dog trainers are in a position to build a massive network marketing business using the Life's Abundance model.

Pet sitters and Pet walkers are also in a great position to grow large network marketing businesses using Life's Abundance. Contact with pet parents and other pet professionals put these in a position of authority with their recommendations.

As time goes on naturally in a first field of pet care business, pet professionals are surprised to learn they can earn a substantial income either part time or full time. More often than not, your Life's Abundance business will yield you more income than your first career.

Groomers will also experience a monetary gain of getting their shampoo, for example, FREE, as their down line of customers and reps grows and pays for the products used in the groom shop. 

All the Life's Abundance Grooming Products:  Ear Cleaner, Bath Fresh Mist, Revitalizing Shampoo and Soothing Mist can be used by the groomer, given to clients in sample sizes, kept on shelves in the groom shop for sale, and recommended for home use. 

Groomers can also sell in their shops the dog food, treats and supplements. Why use and stock for sale grooming products and other dog products that only gives you a small mark up profit? Build a residual income of repeat business with Life's Abundance instead.

If Charity work with animals is something you love to do, you also gain by using Life's Abundance products. Using the Life's Abundance products is an excellent way of "giving back" to the pet community. Charitable work is at the core of the Life's Abundance mission. Every order placed contributes to homeless animals. The work is done through the non-profit branch of Life's Abundance. Rescue facility employees can build massive residual incomes using the Life's Abundance Network Marketing company.

There has never been a time in our history as it is today with technology at our fingertips to help us build 6 figure and higher incomes with a network marketing business. 

All your potential prospects (reps and customers) can be found on social networks such as Facebook, Linkedin and Instagram. Dog and Cat lovers/professionals can receive their slice of the income through the Life's Abundance Network Marketing Company.


No products to stock or ship out. Life's Abundance takes care of the entire purchase transaction along with shipping.

Let's Get Started


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