
Sunday, February 13, 2022

Tips for Cleaning Up While Living with Pets


One thing we can all agree upon regardless of what breed of dog we own is that "life with dogs gets messy." There are cleaning tools and high quality cleaning agents safe to use around pets and family. There are two important pieces of gear to always have on hand when you live with pets. These are reusable gloves and a multi-surface cleaner. A multi-surface cleaner makes it easy to keep track of germs coming into your home. You need to use one that is safe to use. I highly recommend Life's Abundance Bio-Base Floor wash Concentrate.

Let friendly bacteria do the cleaning for you! Our Microbial Grease Digestant (MGD) Viable Bacterial Cultures live to serve, and they’re hungry for odor-causing organic detritus. Don’t just wipe away muck and grime, eradicate it completely!

This amazing product contains microbial grease digesters that eliminate dirt, grime and odor-causing microscopic debris. Just one bottle contains enough to make 64 gallons of cleaning product!

Bio-Base FloorWash works extremely well on waxed and polished floors, hardwoods, glazed ceramic tile, concrete, quarry tile, even brick. And best of all, it’s non-toxic, fully biodegradable, has a neutral pH and contains no harmful phosphates. Unlike other serious cleansers, ours emits no noxious odors.

As an added bonus, when you pour the discarded mop water into a sink, the MGD component continues to work, clearing your drain lines from grease build-up and lingering odors.

Safe for use around kids and pets.

Wall to wall carpeting is no longer the current trend for homes and apartments. Today it is hardwood floors or other types of flooring that is easily washed and dried. Use an eco-friendly microfiber duster and floor duster that is reusable and machine washable to wipe off countertops and the floor for easily picking up dog hair.

Support Your Dog's Healthy Skin, Coat, Heart, Brain, Eyes and Joints with One Supplement

What is one of the best supplements to add to your dog's diet?


Why should you add Fish Oil to your Dog's diet?

Fish Oil supports:
  • a healthy heart and brain
  • promotes silky hair or coat
  • reduces itchy and flaky skin
  • helps relieve allergies 
  • helps relieve joint pain
  • can strengthen immune system
  • can help fight canine cancer
Dogs are like humans in that they cannot produce omega-3 fatty acids on their own and must get them from their diet. Basic kibble will NOT provide your dog with essential omega-3 fatty acids enough to provide all the benefits listed above. 

When considering adding Fish Oil to your dog's diet be sure it is a high-quality, high-grade Fish Oil such as Life's Abundance Ultra Pure Fish Oil Supplement.

Not All Pet Fish Oils are Created Equal

Regular supplementation of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) from fish oil can help support your companion animal’s healthy skin, coat, heart, brain eyes and joints. However, numerous supplements on the shelves today do not contain the optimal concentration of fish oil. In addition, many of these supplements are not tested by an independent laboratory to ensure purity and safety.

How To Survive Puppy Teething


All puppies go through a teething process that is very uncomfortable. Your job as a well-informed responsible dog owner is to provide puppy with appropriate chew treats and toys. You will help to prevent puppy from finding something on his own to chew like your favorite pair of sneakers.

Offer teething puppies chew objects appropriate for size and level of activity. These may include:
  • teething toys you can put into your freezer
  • edible puppy teething rings
  • flavored puppy chew toys
  • nutritional treats that serve as objects for teething and cleaning the teeth
I recommend using Life's Abundance treats for teething puppies and dogs of all ages as they are nutritious as well as satisfy the dog's desire to chew.

Buffalo Meat Strips are wholesome dog treats. All dogs love MEAT.

All dogs - big and small - love chew treats. But they also love the pleasure of devouring pure meat. Our Water Buffalo Meat Strips will satisfy your canine’s instinctive desires and provide them with wholesome dog treats that are nourishing and healthy.

These wholesome dog treats …

• Supply a leaner alternative to beef
• Are suitable for dogs with food sensitivities
• Contain no additives or preservatives
• Provide a rewarding chewing experience

Our drool-worthy chew treats will make your precious pooch instantly go from begging to blissfully content.

Dog Ear Cleaning to Prevent Ear Infections


It is estimated one in five dogs suffer from ear infections and/or disease. Dogs with long hanging ears are predisposed to them. In warmer months dogs suffer more with ear infections.

Causes of ear infections can be:
  • allergies
  • hormonal conditions
  • nutrition
  • autoimmune diseases
  • build up of wax and other debris
The number one way to prevent ear infections is to keep the dog's ears dry and clean.

One of the best ways to keep a dog's ear clean is to regularly use a high quality ear cleaner such as Life's Abundance Herbal Ear Care Formula.

This herbal formula contains a special botanical blend and gentle cleansers. Ear Care Formula safely dissolves waxy build-ups and effectively removes dirt and debris. Aloe vera soothes the sensitive skin of inner ears. With continued use, say ‘hello’ to healthy clean ears that smell terrific!

Shake well. Gently apply enough drops into the ear canal so that it is moistened. Massage the base of the ear canal to help loosen wax. Remove liquid, dissolved wax and dirt with cotton or facial tissue. Clean applicator tip thoroughly after each use. Do not use cotton swabs or insert pointed objects into the ear. Use two times daily. If condition does not resolve itself after 4-5 days, see your veterinarian. For routine cleaning and maintenance, use 1-2 times weekly or as needed.

Leash Training Tips

  Getting your dog to walk a leash is easier than you might think. In this article, read a few tips to help you get started and hopefully ev...