
Monday, February 15, 2021

Things I Bet You Did Not Know About Yorkies


If you are familiar with the Yorkie, you already know they are a big personality wrapped up in a tiny body and are one of the most favorite of toy dogs. But here are a few things you probably did not know about the famous Yorkie dog:

  1. Yorkies are called the TOMBOY TOY. Why is that you might say? Ha, Ha. are you fooled by this toy breed's tiny stature? Well don't be. They are actually 5 to 7 pounds of pure tomboy mainly because of their spunky personality. Their traits of high head carriage and confident manner gives them the appearance of vigor and self importance. Because of these traits Yorkies do exceptionally well at dog sports such as agility. They also make excellent therapy dogs, travel companions and family dogs. 
  2. The Yorkie's Coat has a similar feel to HUMAN HAIR. They don't have an undercoat, but they will tangle up if not brushed daily.
  3. Yorkie's background include "blue collar work." As they parade around the show ring with their flowing coats and beautiful bows you might not ever know that underneath it all there is a tendency to love catching rats.
  4. The Yorkie breed may have been inspiration for the dog star Toto from the Wizard of Oz, whoever, the dog in the movie is played by a Cairn Terrier. It is just that Yorkie was popular at the time and the illustrator of the first book owned a Yorkie.
  5. There once was one Yorkie who was a war hero. A Yorkie name Smoky is credited with saving lives of soldiers by dragging a communications cable through an 8-inch-wide, 60-foot-long drainage culvert. She is also thought to be the world's first therapy dog who visited wounded soldiers in hospitals.
  6. Yorkies are  not afraid to live in the big cities. They routinely make the top list for dog owners in New York City.


How Best to Groom a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles usually has a medium-long and luscious coat with a silky feel to the human hands and fingers. Their feathery ears lets you know this is a dog of royalty. If you want to keep this dog at an elegant and tangle-free best you will need to plan on quite a bit of time grooming. Your rewards will be a beautiful, happy dog you will proud to own and admire.

This breed is about 13 to 18 pounds and in the toy dog category so lifting here and there for grooming chores is usually quite easy.

The Cavalier is a natural having a single coat and usually very manageable coats of hair as well. A well known hallmark for this breed are sweet, large round eyes. Their noble disposition looks best with regular daily brushing and at least every 2 weeks bathing. Don't forget to trim the nails and brush the teeth.

Days before you bathe your Cavalier turn the pet dryer on and off a few times until you notice he feels comfortable with the noise. Slowly handle his face, mouth, ears and feet to get him use to being touched by you.

Pay attention to keeping knots from forming along the dog's ears, chest, back of legs, tail and underbelly. Ten minute per day brushing is a must. Lightly mist the coat with water or a favorite product to help detangle the hair. Life's Abundance makes some excellent all natural grooming products you might like to try. Brushing the coat daily will help pull out the dead hair. The coat should lie flat and feel soft. Using a boar bristle brush or pin brush is best for brushing. Cavaliers like all dogs do shed. Brushing daily will help confine the dead hairs to the brush instead of your surroundings. This breed drops hair all year long and is not a seasonal shedding dog.

Use  a dog shampoo that is mild with low-residue. Rinse with water that feels a bit cooler than you bathe in. End the bath with a high quality dog creme rinse conditioner, then blow dry using low temperature.

Leash Training Tips

  Getting your dog to walk a leash is easier than you might think. In this article, read a few tips to help you get started and hopefully ev...