
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Reviving Lifeless Puppies at Birth

If a puppy’s progress is impeded, staying too long in the birth canal, it may be visibly lifeless. Some of these  puppies may have a faint heartbeat but no respiratory response. Others may show neither condition of life. A few visibly stillborn puppies will respond to efforts of resuscitation.

Chihuahua puppy 001

Never blow into a gurgling puppy’s mouth! Never blow into a  puppy’s mouth and nose before it has first been shaken-down. If you fail to shake a  puppy down before resuscitation is attempted on a visibly stillborn  puppy, you will force the amniotic fluid present into the  puppy’s lungs. The  puppy will die of asphyxiation, drowning in its own life fluid.

First prepare a visibly stillborn puppy for resuscitation by using the bulb syringe and shaking-down method several times to clear the airway as much as possible.

Wrap your hand around the puppy’s chest, your fingertips against the rib cage just behind the elbow. Pump your fingers two or three times in rapid succession to stimulate the heart. This action expels the oxygen in the  puppy’s lungs. Quickly follow the pumping by covering the  puppy’s muzzle, mouth and nose with your mouth. Blow gently. Do not blow too hard. You could rupture the  newborn’s delicate lung tissues. Do not blow air you have exhaled! Use your cheeks only to gently push fresh air into the puppy’s lungs. Give the puppy four breaths, then repeat the finger-pumping action over the lungs and heart. It may be necessary to repeat these resuscitation measures of breathing and pumping for as long as 20 or 30 minutes before the puppy may respond sturdily on its own.

Check the puppy’s color after four or five minutes of resuscitation. Are the puppy’s pads and gums pink or blue? If the gums are white or bluish white, it may be too late to save this particular  puppy. If the  puppy’s gums and pads on the paws were pink at birth, and pink in response to your resuscitation efforts, there is a chance the  puppy can be revived.

Once the  puppy is resuscitated and breathing well on its own, give the  puppy a final brisk toweling. Thoroughly dry the  puppy, causing it to cry and use its lungs. Give the  puppy back to its mother.

Identifying Puppies:

Nail polish to the  puppy’s toenails can be used to identify look-alikes. For example, the right front foot toenails of one  puppy may be painted red, another  puppy’s painted in pink. The left forepaws on two other  puppies, and the hind toenails on four additional sibling  puppies is left. With two colors, eight puppies of the same sex and color may be readily identified from birth onward.

Many  puppies born one color change as they grow. At this time the  puppies no longer require identification by nail polish. Do not enter into your notes or notebook the birth colors of  puppies.

It is best for  puppies to begin nursing as soon as possible. Some  puppies born vigorously have from the time of birth a strong instinct of where to go and how to begin nursing. Other  puppies will take time to begin nursing and may require your assistance. The sooner a  puppy nurses, the less chance there is of losing it.

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